Green initiatives
Stay green, at our new jersey eco-friendly hotel
At Boyle Hotels Management Group, we understand that sustainability is an ongoing process of improving our operations and conserving resources. We take great pride in having completed the American Hotel and Lodging Association Green Guidelines. See how we're giving back to the environment and enjoy your stay at Best Western PLUS Murray Hill Hotel knowing that you're stay is eco-friendly. Browse our green initiatives and see for yourself.
- Converted all 76 guestrooms to non-smoking rooms
- Installed compact fluorescent lights in all guestrooms to reduce electric consumption compared to incandescent lighting.
- Installed LED lighting in corridors, guestrooms and parking lots.
- We give our guests the option to re-use linens & towels which reduces our detergent and water use.
- Eco- Friendly bath amenities
- Implemented a green cleaning program that uses EPA certified cleaners
- Installed low flow toilets and shower heads in guestrooms to reduce water consumption
- Offer Fair Trade Coffee & Sencha Green tea for single cup brewers
- Energy Star efficient appliances in all standard guestrooms
- Placed recycling bins in every room for guest engagement
- Using only digital thermostats for heating and cooling guestrooms

- We use electronic marketing in an effort to cut down paper usage
- Now transitioning to recycled or cost neutral paper and office supplies for all back office and sales needs
- Donating linens, towels and guestroom amenities to local non-profit organizations
- We are raising awareness with all our staff to print less paper and work more electronically
- Formed Environmental "Green Team" to ensure initiatives are moving forward.
- Monitoring electric, gas and water usage to measure our environmental performance
- Recycle discarded soap to fight hygiene-related illnesses PDF